TEACH Volume 14, Issue 1 (Part 2)

Continued from last week, these articles were included in Volume 14, Issue 1 of TEACH Journal of Christian Education.

South Pacific October 19, 2020

A Decade of Encounter Biblical Studies by Barry Hill, Phil Fitzsimmons, Peter Kilgour, and Beverly Christian
“Starting with a brief history of the development of the [South Pacific Division] Encounter Bible curriculum and summary of the evaluative research methodology, this paper draws on teacher, student and administrator interview data in its account of teachers’ attempts to teach Encounter Bible.”

A Response to – A Decade of Encounter by Daryl Murdoch
“This study—A Decade of Encounter—research commissioned by Adventist Schools Australia, offers valuable data worthy of reflection as we enter a new decade of Encounter’s implementation within Australia. The time and effort invested in the collection of these voices from the field is valued and appreciated. Recent engagement with the researchers has brought rich discussion and a commitment to make the Adventist Encounter curriculum even stronger as we embark on a revision of the curriculum in 2020.”

Education for What? An Essential Question Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis from an American Perspective by John Grant
“Of all the important questions demanding answers, there is one question that demands constant engagement. To what ends are we educating our students? This question is not only central for primary and secondary Christian schools, but for Christian colleges and universities.”

Anzacs Were Secular but . . . Soldiers Steeped in Biblically-Informed Worldview had Passive Belief in “Diffusive Christianity” by Daniel Reynaud
“It’s always tempting to see the past in terms of the present, to deny the past its difference. In Australia, perhaps that temptation has been hardest to resist when it comes to Anzac history. In popular imagination and representation, the Anzacs are routinely invested with the attitudes and beliefs of late 20th century and early 21st century Australia. We explain the motivations of people 100 years ago according to today’s values and norms.”

Dear First-Year Teacher by Holly Arnold
“As an educator of pre-service teachers, I am often reminded of those first days in the classroom. If I could go back and speak to myself as a First-Year Teacher, this reflection is what I would say.”

Crazy, Grace-filled God Moments by Annette Melgosa
Prefacing her poem, the author writes “Today was a series of crazy, grace-filled ‘God moments’ so profound in their combined healing effect that I had to put my feelings to pen.”



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