Engage Fall 2021

Published quarterly, Engage is the official newsletter for North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist Education.

Engage Newsletter September 20, 2021

ValueGenesis Forthcoming: A 40-Year Study of Adventist Youth’s Faith, Values, and Lifestyle by Chang-Ho Ji
After being delayed a year by the COVID pandemic, ValueGenesis 4 is set to launch this fall. Learn about the history of these important studies and what is new in this fourth round.

Missional Music Ministry
Georgia Cumberland Academy’s Magnify Worship program guides students as they learn to use their musical talents as worship leaders. Read about their debut album of original music, as well as how to implement a program at your own school.

Online Education by Arne Nielsen
Even before the pandemic, online education was steadily growing. Studies indicate this trend will continue. As it does, Adventist Education will continue offering a Christ-centered experience to families no matter what type of classroom they choose.

What’s STEM got to do with it? by Leisa Morton-Standish
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics evade every part of our lives. Opportunities to grow your skillset in this area include monthly training and coaching sessions with expert facilitators, as well as a weekly STEM series for student participation.

Top 5 School Security Best Practices by Richard Stephenson
As COVID pushed schools online, exposure to cyber incidents grew. How can you protect and secure your school? These five strategies and best practices will help.

Summer Committee – What happens when teachers have fun learning? by H. Stephen Bralley
This year’s Curriculum Committee Workshop focused on “the correlation and creation of Adventist Proficiency Scales and support material to be used as schools across the NAD transition to Standards Based Education.”

Bouncing Back! by Evelyn Sullivan
These five tips will help as you welcome back students who have experienced learning loss and trauma, affecting their social, emotional, and mental well-being.

This issue’s column includes an inspirational story of a family’s dedication to Adventist Education, information on Marzano training courses, and more.



The Curriculum and Instruction Resource Center Linking Educators (CIRCLE) helps Seventh-day Adventist educators locate the ever-expanding array of resources for the ministry of teaching. Visit CIRCLE.adventistlearningcommunity.com to find and share Adventist educational resources anytime, anywhere.

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