In Adventist News: July-September 2022 (part 1)

North American Division publications recently included the following articles that may be of interest to Adventist educators.

In Adventist News September 26, 2022

North American Division publications recently included the following articles that may be of interest to Adventist educators. Enjoy reading!

Jesus Is the Answer by Marlene Alvarez
“Amid uncertainties, fears, and chaos, Jesus is still the answer. Amid the storm, Adventist education is still the light on the hill that points children in the right direction.”

Challenging? Yes. Rewarding? by David Elias
“If you’re looking for a rewarding career, consider educational leadership. If you know someone who would make a great principal, encourage them. The work may be challenging but there is no work more important. Adventist education needs you.”

The Wild West of Education by Tamaria L. Kulemeka
“Educators have embraced the new frontier of hybrid instruction and have adapted their classrooms in a way that would never have been conceived prior to the pandemic shutdown.”

Adventist Education: Safe, Supportive, Collaborative by LouAnn Howard
Who is responsible for creating this necessary culture? “It is time to recognize that there are many stakeholders who play key roles in developing schools where students and teachers will thrive. Here are a few of those stakeholder groups: the constituency (church community), parents, pastors, school boards, students and teachers/principals.”

2022 Adventist Robotics Championship by Khandi Cooper and Mel Wade
Sponsored by the North American Division Office of Education and the Florida Conference, the Adventist Robotics Championship drew thirty-three teams from across the United States. To learn more about starting up your own team, visit

A Case for Public Campus Ministry by Israel Ramos
“Reaching the public college campus is the most effective missional way to reach the world of non Christian global religions. It also is the most responsible way of reaching the North American Division’s largest unreached people group in its territory.”

Model of Mission: Reflections on Navigating Spiritual Life on Public University Campuses by Jukes Namm, Amy Ratsara, Claudius Rodgers, Stephen K. Waterbrook, Alanna Rodriguez
Read how God has blessed students and groups ministering on public campuses.



The Curriculum and Instruction Resource Center Linking Educators (CIRCLE) helps Seventh-day Adventist educators locate the ever-expanding array of resources for the ministry of teaching. Visit to find and share Adventist educational resources anytime, anywhere.

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