In Adventist News: April-June 2024 (part 1)

North American Division publications recently included the following articles that may be of interest to Adventist educators. Enjoy reading!

In Adventist News June 20, 2024

The Holy Place by Sari Butler
Have you ever had “that class”? When this experienced teacher knew she had lost control, she prayed for God’s Spirit on her classroom. Soon the entire class was on their knees together.

In Search of Proper Education by George Knight
Although a central focus of Adventism now, formal Christian education was “the last major institutional development within the denomination.”

Some Principles of Christian Education by L.N. Turner
“Here, then, are criteria against which we can measure the adequacy of any system of Christian education. Has it gathered a society of believers in the midst of which echoes of the world seem faint and far away? Does the kingdom of heaven loom large there? Are the treasures of faith spoken of as something more precious than the material and explicable things of life? Do its pupils look clear-eyed into a future that is waiting to draw on all their resources in the cause of the Great Commission? Do they learn to look eagerly toward a glowing prospect of spending themselves in this cause? Do they feel the solemn urgency to develop themselves to the utmost so that they will be adequate to fill this great role?”

The Early Years of Childhood Education: Daycare vs Homecare by Evelyn Sullivan
“Together, we can help build happy and healthy children who will want to share Jesus’s love with others around them.”

Education and Evangelism: Fulfilling the Great Commission Through Compassionate Service by Marlene Alvarez, Jeremy Garlock, Celes Eliot, and Debra Cuadro
“In keeping with the Great Commission and understanding that education and evangelism are one, in this year of evangelism, the schools in the Atlantic Union Conference are doing their part to share the good news of the gospel in different ways.”



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