In Adventist News: April-June 2024 (part 2)

Continued from last week, here are more articles about education in the North American Division.

In Adventist News June 24, 2024

Thriving: Adventist Education’s Wholistic Development by Aimee Saesim Leukert
“Rooted in a biblical worldview, Adventist education seeks to develop not only a child’s mind but also their body and spirit. This wholistic perspective is evidenced in teacher qualifications, extracurricular choices, and academic offerings.”

Connecting Through Building Community: The Loneliness of International Students by Fortune Ogulere
“Once in the host country, these students face a new way of life, different ideologies, and oftentimes no community to fall back on. One might ask what makes loneliness for an international student different from the average college student. I’ll answer that: the sudden transfiguration of a once controlled life to a fast-paced society with no foundation in the culture.” This issue includes additional articles on connecting through other ways such as prayer and the arts.

Walla Walla Education Programs Enhanced for K–12 Teachers by Kelsi Dos Santos
Walla Walla University will soon offer a new science education degree. Also of interest is their updated continuing education program, consisting of “online, self-paced courses that are flexible and convenient for teachers. The asynchronous courses are designed to be finished within six months and are centered around job-embedded coursework, making it easier for teachers to complete the courses while teaching.”

Navigating Your Teen’s Fluctuating Mood by Jasmine Fraser
While written for parents, this information is useful for educators as well.

Coaching Beyond the Classroom by Renee Whiting
“The Office of Education at the Southwestern Union has implemented an instructional coaching model as an additional service of the department. Utilizing Coach Jesus as the model, and “The Impact Cycle,” framework for instructional coaching by Jim Knight, a program was designed to offer educators in the Southwestern Union a relational, growth-oriented, non-evaluative safe space to enhance their professional practice.”



The Curriculum and Instruction Resource Center Linking Educators (CIRCLE) helps Seventh-day Adventist educators locate the ever-expanding array of resources for the ministry of teaching. Visit to find and share Adventist educational resources anytime, anywhere.

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